Influenza Cases Surge in Banke District

Published 2023 Sep 17 Sunday

Khajura: Banke district is witnessing a concerning increase in the number of influenza cases, with reports of rising infections over the past two weeks, according to Dr. Khagendrajung Shah, the Influenza Focal Person Consultant Physician at Bheri Hospital.

Samples collected from affected individuals have been sent to the National Public Health Laboratory for testing to confirm the presence of influenza.

Influenza typically manifests with symptoms such as cold, fever, headache, fatigue, runny nose, sneezing, and body aches in adults. Children, on the other hand, may experience additional symptoms like sore eyes, headache, nasal congestion, sore throat, breathing difficulties, and diarrhea. The surge in cases is often attributed to changing weather conditions.

Chief of the hospital's laboratory, Prasanna Mishra, emphasized that seasonal influenza, also known as the flu, is highly contagious and primarily spreads through respiratory means. This makes it especially transmissible within families and among school students.

Dr. Rajan Pandey, the chief consultant physician and head of the hospital's medicine department, revealed that a significant portion of the daily outpatient service attendees at Bheri Hospital, approximately 30 to 35 individuals, are being diagnosed with cold and confirmed cases of influenza. He emphasized that the elderly, chronically ill, malnourished children, diabetics, individuals with high blood pressure, and heart patients under regular medication are at heightened risk.

Dr. Pandey strongly recommends influenza vaccination as a preventive measure against various viral infections.

Residents of Banke district are urged to exercise caution, adhere to hygiene measures, and consider vaccination to protect themselves and their communities from the spread of influenza during this time of increased risk.
